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Athlete StoriesNL0021.html
Technical Work: “Roll Back Drill” 
Perform 2-4 sets of 40 roll backs.
Technical Work: “Creative Moves & Ball Control” 
Pick 3 drills and practice 5 minutes each.
Technical Work: “Dribbling Moves & Ball Control” 
Pick 3 drills and practice 5 minutes each (do not pass if you do not have a partner).
Advanced Technical Work: “Dribbling & Ball Control” 
Pick 3-4 drills and practice 5 minutes each.
Technical Proficiency 
Development of The Soccer Player: “The Beautiful Game”
Sequence 1
Sequence 2
Sequence 3
Sequence 4

Technical Focus & Self-Paced Practice Drills

In the sport of soccer, technical skills are priceless. In addition to regular dribbling, passing and striking (as a team) we will be using the following drills in the videos below to develop greater technical proficiency. They will be referred to as Sequence 1, Sequence 2, Sequence 3 and Sequence 4.

We ask that you please share these sequences with your son and have them practice them (in the backyard or on a field) on his off or non-practice days. If you feel he needs more work, he can practice them more often (even daily). Through repetition and touches on the ball, there is no doubt that the player will improve substantially, as well as their confidence and self-efficacy as they become more technically proficient.

Directions: From time to time, he will be assigned a sequence to focus on, though in practice we will be working on multiple sequences. Each sequence should take 15-30 min. If he is having fun and is on a roll, longer would be fine. Your encouragement and guidance is helpful, especially at first, then periodic checkups would be advised (to keep him on task).  If he finishes one sequence, then he can continue to the next for more practice ■

Technical Proficiency 
“The Beautiful Game”