EFS Baseball Performance Training is a detailed approach to enhancing athleticism for base running, reflexes for fielding, strength for hitting and throwing power and reducing injury risk and error. EFS also applies it’s time tested sports performance approach to skills-based training. Used by hundreds of players to get to college level, EFS Baseball Performance Training adds a scientific boost to player development.

Hardtke Baseball Academy
EFS has partnered with Hardtke Baseball Academy (HBA) for the last 15 years to help players maximize development in the modern era. Complete player development involves utilizing unique experts in their field including throwing, hitting, fielding, running form, strength and overall performance and recovery. Founder, Terry Hardtke has helped many players reach the professional level and has been a scout for the Atlanta Braves for years. HBA and EFS Training Science are pioneers in the area of player development and sports performance and together have helped thousands of players make it to the college or professional level. “LTAD (Long Term Athlete development) is key to your path to being successful…”
Inside Pitch
Inside Pitch is a partner of EFS Sports Performance. Their programs are data driven and constantly evolving. Inside Pitch offers training for hitting, pitching and defense. Inside Pitch also hosts camps and attends national showcase tournaments.