Achieve your best and have fun at EFS. Choose from Elite Training or Small Group Performance Packs.

EFS Performance Packs (All Ages)

Speed, Strength, Neuro-Cognitive

Elite Training (ET) Packs

GOLD STAR RATING: ★★★★★ This is one of our highest rated programs, 2nd only to our EFS LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) monthly plans. Semi-private / private. XAP™ Speed, Quickness, Agility, Balance, XAP™Strength, Assisted Stretching & Proprio-kinetics, Micro-Speed™ (Neuro-Cognitive & Peripheral Vision), Sport-Specific Available (soccer, baseball, softball, volleyball, lacrosse, basketball, football, field hockey, ice hockey, track, etc…). Extremely effective. Testing and Assessment.

Duration: 60-90 min.

Small Group Training (SG) Packs

GOLD STAR RATING: ★★★ This is a great program for speed, quickness, agility, jump power, and overall conditioning, It is very effective at targeting and improving in these areas. XAP™ Smart Speed, Quickness, Agility, Balance & Jump Power. Very effective. Testing and Assessment. 

Duration: 60 min. 

asterisk EFS Shopping Cart Instructions: Purchase one or more of the featured programs by checking the appropriate box or boxes below.


Summer Schedule 2019: Jun 10th- Aug 16th


Mornings: 10am-11am, 11am-12pm, 12pm-1pm

Afternoons and Evening: 330-430pm, 4pm-5pm, 430pm-530pm, 5pm-6pm, 530pm-630pm, 6pm-7pm, 630pm-730pm.


Mornings & Afternoon: 10am-11am, 11am-12pm, 12pm-1pm, 1pm-2pm.

asterisk NOTE: Your program or lesson must be scheduled and confirmed at least 24hrs prior to attending. Drop-ins are welcome if a class is going on. However, please confirm a class is going on.

Methods of Confirmation:

1. EFS Zen Planner online scheduler (this is the required way to schedule for regular lesson packs). Ask us to add you, if you have not been added.

2. Booking and confirmation by email:

3. In person booking.

4. Booking and confirmation by phone: 408-370-9980.