Elite Training (ET) Packs
GOLD STAR RATING: ★★★★★ This is one of our highest rated programs, 2nd only to our EFS LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) monthly plans. Semi-private / private. XAP™ Speed, Quickness, Agility, Balance, XAP™Strength, Assisted Stretching & Proprio-kinetics™, Micro-Speed™ (Neuro-Cognitive & Peripheral Vision), Sport-Specific Available (soccer, baseball, softball, volleyball, lacrosse, basketball, football, field hockey, ice hockey, track, etc…). Extremely effective. Testing and Assessment.
Duration: 60-90 min.
Small Group Training (SG) Packs
GOLD STAR RATING: ★★★ This is a great program for speed, quickness, agility, jump power, and overall conditioning, It is very effective at targeting and improving in these areas. XAP™ Smart Speed, Quickness, Agility, Balance & Jump Power. Very effective. Testing and Assessment.
Duration: 60 min.
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